22218RHRK W33 C3 Koyo (JTEKT) ABF Store,(JTEKT) bearings Flange Bearings">

(JTEKT) 1313K C3 KOYO Bearing

Min. Order: 1 Piece

Bearing Price

$ 31.80 (Price for reference only.)
IN STOCK 500+ pcs.with 3 to 7 days delivery time

Our email: [email protected]

Bearing Information
  • Internal diameter40mm
  • External diameter90mm
  • width23mm
Bearing manufacturers
  • Manufacturer(JTEKT)
  • Part Number1313K C3 KOYO
Bearing types
Other Information

Weight (kg):0.704 Product Properties: Bore:K - 1:12 Tapered Bore (Standard for Most Types): Seal:No Seal: Cage Type:S - Steel or Standard Cage: Radial Internal Play:C3 Internal Play (Higher than Cn): Precision:Standard Precision: Lubrication:Standard Lubrication: Heat Stabilization:No Heat Stabilization - Temperatures up to 120 °C